Are you ready to start your own business or need to grow your current one? Let's work together to get your business - and your finances - to the next level!

Book a FREE Clarity Session

"I had a pretty good idea of where to start my new business, but wasn't sure what steps to take  and in what order. Claudia guided me through the process and had me thinking of things I hadn't thought of. With her help, I was able to create the path to success that I wanted and I'm enjoying what I was meant to do - energy healing!"

~  Cassandra

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90 Day Business Idea Incubator

Do you have a business idea that you need help bringing to life? Or do you WANT to have a side business or a whole new income stream?

The Business Idea Incubator is a one-on-one coaching program to help you get your business idea off the ground, grow your current business or explore other business opportunities. Your inner entrepreneur is calling you - let's answer together!

Bombdiggity  Business Coaching Program

Are you craving a change in your career or business? Do you have a business that is stalled and not making enough money? Are you a burnt out entrepreneur looking for a BETTER WAY? In this group coaching program, we'll work on ways to start or grow your business into something you love and which gives you the freedom and success you desire.

woman on bike with peace sign hands

The Word Out Marketing Coaching Program

Marketing doesn't have to suck, nor do you have to spend all day, everyday working on it!

In this fun, hands-on group coaching program, you'll learn with others which marketing platforms, resources and techniques will maximize your marketing time so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Shift and Shine Laser Coaching

If you want a business coach available to you whenever you have questions, need advice or just feel stuck, this program is for you. Laser coaching is designed to get you quick, frequent clarity and action.

You'll have access to Claudia for 15 minute laser coaching sessions - up to 2 per week for one year! The only condition is an agreement that you will complete the agree-upon homework prior to booking your next call.

Let's level your business up for a whole year and make massive shifts in your life so you can truly shine!

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