Are You Happy?

It sounds like a simple question, doesn't it? But are you? Really?

Does This Sound Like You...

African American woman looking into the distance with folded hands

You experience high highs and low lows with no steady sense of happiness?

You yearn to feel happiness so deep down that even major challenges don't take you down for long?

You want to attract more into your life that contributes to your overall sense of happiness but nothing ever seems to go right?

You feel like the term "Murphy's Law" has a picture of you next to it in the dictionary?

You want to feel lighter,  laugh easier and share your joy with others?

You just KNOW you have the ability to be happy, but you just don't know how to get there?

You want to be an example for your family or loved ones to help them be happier too?

So, What Does it Mean to be Truly "Happy"?

Happiness comes from within and provides us with a sense of completeness. It is the feeling that no matter what comes at you, you KNOW you're going to be ok. It is not reliant on outside people, places or things, but rather, it just IS. Happiness is a sense of self whereby you can go within and connect with your souls spirit.

And we want that for you, girlfriend!

What Greater Happiness Can do in Your Life

Science says that when a person experiences the feeling of happiness, the chemicals in their brain actually change. Some benefits of feeling more happiness in your life may include*:

Better Health

Better Relationships

Better Career

Better Fulfillment

*Source: Transformation Academy

Coming Soon!

smiling woman head on crossed arms

What is "Happiness Bootcamp?"

The Happiness Bootcamp is a 90-day program dedicated to help YOU find and cultivate more happiness in your life. You'll get a weekly video lesson which you can watch at your own pace, weekly assignments, PLUS a weekly LIVE call with your Happiness Coaches to discuss happiness and get your questions answered.

You'll get practical and visionary tools to tap into for the rest of your life.


What You'll Take Away

Improved daily feelings and a greater  understanding of what it takes to make YOU happy

Knowing that you can center your happiness and tap into it at ANY time

More fulfilling relationships with not only those you love, but with YOURSELF

Attract more success, better people and better overall health

What You'll Learn

WHY and HOW some people are happier than others - yes, there's a little science

but we promise, it's fascinating!

WHAT happiness looks like for YOU - and define what it feels like when you get it. (Hint: it's not the same for everyone!)

Discover your TRIGGERS and Happiness Theives and learn how to overcome their influence on your happiness. Take your power back, Girrrrrllll!

Learn about your limiting beliefs, thoughts and history that has supported your state of happiness for so long! Let's get rid of those suckers!

Tap into your Ego, Identity and Inner Child and how they contribute to your level of happiness or unhappiness. Learn forgiveness techniques to help you heal these parts of you.

Learn powerful releasing and healing techniques to keep in your back pocket whenever you're out of balance, cuz we KNOW unbalance happens!

Create a blueprint for your happiness with tools and resources to keep you on track. You got this!

Learn how to weather storms when they come...and they WILL come! We've got tips, tools, and tasks to help you get back on track.

Children pretending to make eye glasses with their fingers

Did We Mention That it's Also Going to be FUN?!

While being happy is serious business, don't expect us to be! Yes, we have some awesome information and tools to share with you, BUT, you'll soon see that we thrive on being authentic, goofy and  we love laughing...A LOT! Ok, and probably some F-bombs and other colorful language.

(Sensitive ears, beware. LOL)

Join us?!

How About Some Cool Bonuses Too?

happiness bootcamp workbook ecover

Download and print your Happiness Bootcamp workbook to help you along your path.

Happiness Bootcamp private facebook page

Get access to a private Facebook group where you can share your journey and mingle with others in the class.

get a free session with Claudia or Karen

We're offering a FREE session with one of us! Whether you want a coaching session or healing session - the first 30 minutes is on us! $85 value

Bonus free happiness painting class

Delve deeper into your happiness journey with Karen's Painting Happiness Course - a $111 value!

Meet Your Happiness Coaches

headshot of Claudia Loens

Claudia Loens

Certified as: Happiness Coach, Law of Attraction Coach, EFT Practitioner, Virtual Coach, Group Coach, Allowing Your Success Coach and Goal Setting Coach.

We are Certified Happiness Coaches, Claudia Loens and Karen Adamski. As lifelong friends, we have been there for each other through good times and not-so-good times. Our journey together has helped us, enjoy loving marriages, raise 6 kids between us and embark on multiple careers.

Today, we've shed all the BS that we carried for decades and focus on authenticity, lifting others up and spreading good juju wherever we can! We want to meet you!

I want IN!
Photo of Karen Adamski

Karen Adamski

Certified as: Happiness Coach, Crystal Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Meditative Art Healing, Meditation and Sound Healing

Our Happiness Guarantee

We sincerely want you to be...drum roll...HAPPY! If you don't love the content and the live sessions by the end of week 6, we will give you your money back. No questions asked, but we do love your feedback!

100% guarantee
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