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How I attracted my Ideal Partner Through Law of Attraction

After a disappointing first attempt at marriage, followed by a dysfunctional relationship, I went to counseling in my early thirties. I was determined not to repeat the patterns I’d had before.

The one thing that I knew without a doubt, was that I NEEDED to be a mother. Being an auntie to all my nieces and nephew and all of my girlfriends’ kids, I knew I wanted my own. I even thought about adopting or using medical means to get pregnant. I had a deadline for myself of the age of 40, which was quickly approaching. Still, I had faith.

One of my closest friends, Annie, once said to me “Claudia, when you meet HIM, your WHOLE life is going to change!” I didn’t believe her, but I hoped…

Enter Eddie.

Law of Attraction in Action

But I digress. This article is about how I manifested our relationship through Law of Attraction.

Once I learned about the law of attraction in my twenties, I never had a problem manifesting things…new, better consulting gigs, more money, a house, trips, cars. I would simply put the intention out there, do a little visualization exercise and let it go in faith. I got so good at it, that my friends called me the Manifestation Queen.

BUT – I had yet to manifest my perfect partner. Part of me was concerned that I was blocking myself with some sort of self-sabotage that I was unaware of. I thought I’d cleared all of my worthiness issues during counseling. I didn’t FEEL unworthy or blocked, so I was like “what’s the deal?!”

When I meditated on it – more than once – I got the “knowing” that he just wasn’t ready for me. I decided that I could help things along by becoming clear about what I wanted in my partner. I journaled as if it had already come true, starting with “I am now enjoying a loving, fun, passionate relationship with the man of my dreams”. I then detailed how I pictured our lives together. I detailed the characteristics I wanted to attract. Here is a partial list:

·     Smart with a great sense of humor

·     Wants to have a family and is a good father

·     Cancer sign (very compatible with my Pisces!)

·     Open to my woo-woo side and can hold deep conversations

·     Loves the beach like I do

·     Handsome with dark hair and dark eyes

·     Active and loves to travel

·     Loyal and reliable

·     Kind, compassionate and caring

I’d close my eyes and imagine us together, arm-in-arm, surrounded by children. I would imagine a sense of love between all of us and sometimes, I would even let the emotion bubble up – happiness at such a beautiful future.

My good friend and travel buddy, Caroline used to say that I needed to meet her cousin. She went on to tell me about what a wonderful man he is and how we’d be perfect for each other. I would be intrigued and think it could be possible, but she also told me that he was going through a divorce and that the ex was giving him terrible grief over his daughters and custody and visitations. I told her, more than once, that he wasn’t ready yet. I didn’t want someone who was on the rebound or was a “project”. I’d been through a divorce and there was a lot of emotional healing and that was without the involvement of kids.

In the meantime, I had sold my house in San Jose, moved to Portland for a year to write my novel, and returned to the Bay Area to a great consulting gig. After two years of living in a wonderful apartment community, I decided I was ready to buy another house.

My buddy, Gar, helped me move in. He was unpacking my wardrobe boxes and I told him to leave half of the closet empty. He said, “girl, with all these clothes, you NEED both sides of the closet”. But I simply said, “no, I’m leaving room for my future husband” – to which he had a good laugh.

The same thing happened when we pulled into the garage after grabbing lunch. He had a difficult time getting out of the driver’s side because the boxes lined against the wall. He said (a little annoyed because we were both exhausted), “you have the whole garage – why are you squeezing over???”

I said, “sorry, but that side is for my future husband”. He didn’t laugh this time, but rolled his eyes and slammed the car door. I attributed it to low blood sugar.

Later, I was unpacking my toiletries in the bathroom and purposely left one drawer empty. He walked by and said, sarcastically, “let me guess – that drawer is for your future husband?” and I grinned in response.

You see, I read once that you need to make room in your life for your future partner. Think of the example – if you are tightly holding a penny in each hand and someone offers you a dollar, you have to let go of one of the pennies to receive the dollar.

After Gar left, I was beyond exhausted. I was committed to going to Caroline’s 40th birthday party that evening and I could barely move. I sat on the couch with a cup of coffee, hoping to get a fifteenth wind. If I didn’t love my friend, I would have easily bailed on the party. BUT, I knew it was important to her, so I rallied with a plan.

I vowed that I would go to the party, give Caroline her gift, have one drink and then leave before dinner.

When I stood in the entryway of the banquet room, I patiently waited for Caroline to finish greeting her new guests before it was my turn.

And that’s when I felt him. My heart began to flutter and I felt flushed. I was scanning the room looking for “him” – it was a crazy, strong pull that came from deep inside. And then I spotted him – all the way across the room, holding a beer and talking with two men about the same age. Wow! I thought. The energy was insane.

Caroline greeted me with love and escorted me to the side of the room where girlfriends were gathered. The rest of the room was filled with family that I had never met, so I was thankful to see some familiar faces.

Sticking to my plan, I headed toward the bar when Caroline be-lined it toward me with said handsome man in tow. She said, “Claudia, I’d like you to meet my cousin, Eddie”.

We said polite hellos and I told him I was on my way to get a drink. He offered to get it for me and, having difficulty moving my body, I agreed. When he came back, we started a nice conversation. There was something about him – his confidence, the way he was dressed, his kindness – that gave me the impression that he was married. He said “we went on a hike today” and I immediately assumed he meant he and his wife. I felt really disappointed, but I continued to enjoy the conversation thinking it was nice to get to know Caroline’s family.

At one point, I asked, “is your wife here – I haven’t met any other family members yet?” and he said nonchalantly, “I’m not married”.

I immediately stood taller as I said (a little too enthusiastically) “oh really???” Our conversation just got a little more interesting. We talked about my new house and a new job he was starting. We talked about his daughters and other family members. It was completely comfortable – like slipping into old slippers.

We were called to dinner and I knew it was my chance to escape, but, suddenly, I rallied some energy – I wonder where that came from?!

I was seated with all the girlfriends while Eddie was across the room with the other cousins. Occasionally, we’d smile at each other during the EPIC dinner, dessert, toasts, etc. (If you’ve never been to a German gathering you’ll understand!)

When things FINALLY broke up, I was toast. I gathered my purse and said goodbye to the girlfriends. I made my way over to Caroline to hug her goodbye and then over to Eddie. I told him it was nice to meet him and that I enjoyed our conversation.

He said, “so did I – we should do it again sometime” and I merely said, “yes, that would be fun” and left.

When I got to the outer door of the restaurant, I stopped cold. My friends always teased me about missing queues and “not closing the deal” by giving an interested man my business card or phone number. He had given me the perfect opening and I missed the queue to close the deal. But exhaustion won and I figured I would get another chance since he was Caroline’s cousin.

A week went by and I couldn’t get him out of my head. I’d had NEVER felt such energy with anyone before and the deep feeling of knowing was driving me nuts. I didn’t know what to do about it.

That weekend, Caroline and I spent the day together. We went shopping, caught a movie and lunch and later sat at Starbucks over coffee. I finally drummed up the courage and said quietly, “your cousin Eddie is nice…”

She slammed her hand down on the table and said, “I KNEW IT!” (I still tease her about being such a stinker for making me wait all day before we could talk about it!)

She said if he didn’t call her for my phone number, she would plan a BBQ and invite the cousins and friends over.

Another week went by – she and I went to San Francisco to see the musical, Lion King. She said she’d give it a few more days and then decide on a date for the BBQ.

Two days after our outing, I got my hair cut. I mean really cut. I took off 6 inches, leaving it at a bouncy, shoulder length. When my stylist asked me why I wanted to do it, I said that I wanted a new, fresh start and the hair was bogging me down. I felt liberated and sassy with my new haircut.

When I told Caroline I chopped my hair, she said “why??? I loved your hair!!!” and I said “so did I but I’m ready for a new chapter.”

Eddie called me for the first time that night. He said he would love to see my new house and I said, “great – when do you want to get together?”

Queue received. Deal closed.


If you read my about page, you’ll know that Eddie came with three lovely daughters, ages 4, 5 and 10. It was the family I had asked for. After we were married, we were pleasantly surprised to welcome Abigail to our family.I share this story of manifestation for a number of reasons.

1.    Law of Attraction is not always swift and accurate. Sometimes, because of other circumstances unknown to us, things don’t just magically appear – even when using all the techniques we’re taught.

2.    When I made “room” for my future husband, not only was it an energetic opening, but it also put me in the VIBRATION of attracting him. Both are equally important when you want to manifest something in your life.

3.    Always remember to have and hold faith in your vibration and don’t revert to fear or lack. The basic principles of LOA are “you attract what you put out” so fear and lack will attract more things to fear and lack. Whereas when you come from faith and love, you will attract more things representing faith and love. When you are into faith – go one step further and GET EXCITED! Know it’s coming and be in an exciting, fun place to receive it!

Do you want to attract something into your life? I invite you to sign up for a free 30 minute coaching session with me. We can discuss what you want and your current situation. If I think I can support you, we can take it to the next level. Click below to get started!

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Sassy Sisterhood Blog

By Claudia Loens 10 Sep, 2021
When was the last time you danced in the rain…or have you ever? Twice in the last two weeks, I threw my arms up open wide and twirled in the rain. Both were beautifully warm summer showers and it felt amazing! What I noticed about myself when I did this, was that all-consuming feeling of gratitude, the power of the universe and…surrender. Yes, surrender. I took long deep breaths as I held my face to the rain and let it take me. Wow – was it cool!
By Claudia Loens 27 Jul, 2021
One of my favorite manifestation tools is writing a detailed description of my vision. I’ve used this technique to attract major changes into my life (my husband, our dream home) and minor changes (new wardrobe, new job, a car). Perhaps it’s because I’m a writer with a deep passion for words and all their meaning, but this is a very easy way for me to design my life. Want to design and attract something in your life? Here are the steps you can use to write your future into existence:
By Claudia Loens 28 May, 2021
I was that kid in elementary, middle and high school to whom other girls came to for support and guidance. I was that young adult who listened to friends and gently offered advice (usually over cocktails or coffee!). I was the business consultant who was a leader and a mentor to peers and newbies. I became an instant mother of three beautiful daughters. I was their mother in place of one who couldn’t be, and their mentor. And soon a fourth blessing was gifted to me through birth. I became an entrepreneur, teaching and helping others achieve their marketing goals through my other baby, Wordflirt®. I branched out with my best friend, Karen to start a wellness website so we could teach others about the benefits of CBD through our marketing and our workshops.
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